How I predict my degree life


as u can see (read) my tajuk tu.....excited tak? ahaks aku excited nak cerita plan aku for my three-years-so-called-degree-life. takdelah 3 tahun sangat padahal, 3 tahun 3 bulan kurang lebih. my coursemate la kata. betul ke tak we tengoklah nanti. lagi lama lagi bagus hahahahaha aku bedebo nak melangkah ke fasa kerjaya ni nak oi.

so.....*warm up jari* lets start!

sekarang ni aku dah habis satu semester. half first year. course aku ni 6 sem je so setahun tu sempat ah dua sem. my attire is the same as when i was in foundation year. tudung crepe labuh straight ke bawah, jubah, and copy crocs >_< and i am determined to keep this attire for the next semester also. but my mom. my mom suruh i pakai something yg nampak kemas. apa yg i pakai sekarang ni tak kemas ke? no i mean selebet selekeh sangat ke? i bumped into my senior (also my friend) at the library and she said i look lawa better than in foundation. padahal attire sama je hahaha cuma tambah matte. sebab tak nak nampak muka aku ni pucat tak pakai pape. at least tak make up pun, pakailah lipstick calit sikit2 dengan bedUck debu pun jadilah....
tapi sem 2 ni aku dah tak nak pakai crocs, oppss copy crocs sebab kasut tu wallahi nak jalan laju je terbantut and banyak kali aku hampir jatuh hahaha payah nak explain sini tapi tapak dia tu macam menghalang everytime i step on marble kind of floor. nasib baik kat kolej tu marble floor tak banyak. i will wear shoes. not so proper shoes, have shoelace and what not tapi shoes aku pakai tu shoes main sumbat main sarung because i know im always late for classes hahaha.
conclusionnya first year aku nampak sedikit selekeh and tak kemas. 

for second year, aku pun taktau nak pakai apa ni hahahaha but i might leave my tudung crepe at house kot. or donate. or just bakar or terperap je kat rumah tu idek. actually lah kan aku tak nak bawak imej aku kat luar masuk kolej. its like hyde&jekyll la nak ada 2 personaliti lol. sebab kat rumah aku pakai jeans and seluar belang2 and i wear shawls i dont wear bawal or something yang tak lilit. I FREAKING LOVE LILIT-ING SHAWLS! for now i would say, i might leave that tudung crepe out of my wardrobe. but i also do not want to wear shawls there. yet. i will find other alternatives like looking for other kind of material for tudung that can be pin up at bahu. for that style i dont prefer crepe because it might make the tudung kembang gile because crepe tu kain dia a bit keras. not suitable not proper. laaagilah tak kemas. jubah would still be my choice to wear. moreover my college only allows us, muslimah, to wear jubah OR baju kurung. only those two. except for Wednesday, u can wear your baju korporat with kain.

owwwwwkayyyy last year pulak. last year ni best sikit hahaha i really plan this thoroughly. final year mestilah lit *emoji api* aku predict time sem 5 tu aku maybe dah bukak this braces, i may be good in make-ups, i may found my identity in fashion and i would open up my heart (cewah) to be myself. maybe i wear shawls there. i would get myself ready for internship, practical, career life, and also welcoming soulmates(?) hahahahaha yg ni bangang. tapi org kata time belajar lah kena cari. time kerja nanti semua orang dah kawen kau je belum hm haru. aku berangan nanti aku pakai shawls, decent baju kurung and jubah kembang warna pun proper. not so melawa but not too relax la my attire tu. bila org tengok je org pandang dgn hormat. diorg macam "wah i tot u r a lecturer" haaaa kau cam professional sangat lah pulekkk. pakai proper shoes to go to classes but for presentation i might wear heels. just 1.5 inches not too high because im already tall lah pakai tinggi-tinggi nak gi mana????? 
takut je dah plan betul-betul, berangan apa semua tengok-tengok semua tu hanyalah angan-angan. imagination is just an imagination. hm sedih. but i really hope i already bukak braces tu lah paling lambat sem 6 hm ;') 

the end of my berangan session. i have to face reality now. im not ready i AM NOT REALLY RALLY VERY VERY READY FOR NEW SEMESTER because this new semester dont have study week before finals i cant imagine how!!!!! takut weh aduh lahai serius ni tak ready. hm adios'/

salam 'alaykum :)


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