Though despair remains the same


Mid-year examination. I'm not fully charged I mean, ready yet.


Bahasa Melayu kertas 1&2.

Kertas 1 aku boleh dikatakan okey la jugak sebab aku sempat siap. Apa benda aku karang, aku dah tak kesah dah janji siap. Takut woo klu kena dgn cikgu. Alhamdulillah siap tapi hasil tuai mcm mana tu yg taktau. Belum lega sepenuhnya.

Kertas 2 boleh dikatakan sesak nafas. Mana nak pikir apa nak jawab (dah langsung tak baca antologi), nak kejar masa lagi. Berdebar sgt sampai nak menulis pun tangan aku duk terketar-ketar tak tentu pasal. Cakar ayam tulisan aku masa tu. Boleh agak tak, banyak yg aku tinggal, lagi-lagi bab peribahasa tu dgn maksud rangkap sajak Harga Remaja. Lain-lain aku men bedal ja ikut suka hati. Entah la kenapa tak boleh nak men bedal jawab bab yg aku tinggal tu. IDEA TAK MARIII ugh. Pasghah ja la.


Memandangkan hari tu I sat for English paper 1&2 so I will tell you abt it in english.

The moment I started to open the paper, I felt so cool and it doesn't give me any flutter/nervous/jittery feelings at all.

Section A, informal letter to answer. We were asked to write it by 200 words or more (or less oh Idec). 30 mins was suggested to answer the question but I took over an hour and a quarter to finish it.

For the 15 minutes left, I answered Section B which was we have to write it MORE than 350 words. I chose question a. 'Describe an interesting neighbour'. For me, it's the easy question rather than the other four questions. 
Guess what, even a tiny chips of idea didn't pop out from my brilliant mind. Yeah, brilliant yet intelligent. Mind my words.

As the time's out, the teacher who keep an eye on us was shouting "BERHENTI MENULIS" but I just remains sit down. Still calm, not feeling jittery and still in my imagination imagine myself got an idea for the essay but the idea comes out nothing. NAT-TAYNGGG. I've only write in four out of seven paragraphs that should be written. And still, cool feeling dominates myself.

What a relief thing. Sitting for English paper 2 and the duration is 2 hours and  15 minutes although the questions were as easy as peace nut I mean pie. Hahaha please... bash me. Easy for me is like be very cool and chill towards something but when it comes to an end, rushing is the only way. I did sec A, B and D. Section C (I guess) is summary which I took about half an hour to let my mind free and pensive anything that I want to.

Soon where 15 minutes left I think, I started to seek the points and finished it. Make sure it is not more than 120 words, but I wrote it 130 plus plus. Seek again for unnecessary clause...then bravo! 120 words, not more and not less. Hahaha yeay me. ALL PRAISE TO ALLAH FOR MAKING IT EASY FOR ME. YES, FOR US.

I just hope the best for this mid-year exam. I will try to get at least 3 As for SPM subs. Wish me luck! And good good gooooooood luck for you as well.



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